Because pumpkins are in season, but it's unseasonably warm, I thought Pumpkin granita is a perfect combination for this flippant weather down south. It lays tricks with your mind because you think granita and summer, but it tastes of beautiful fall weather. Try it! Discover the wonders of trying to make things seasonally in a state that refuses to get cold for more than 1 day! Feel my pain and taste the joy of this refreshing fall delight.
15 oz. -100% pureed pumpkin
1 1/4 cups water
1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
1/2 cup granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
Pinch of ground cinnamon

COMBINE pumpkin, water, concentrate, sugar, salt and cinnamon in large bowl; whisk until smooth.
Pour into 8-inch-square baking pan; cover with plastic wrap.
Freeze, stirring every 30 minutes to break up ice crystals, for 3 hours, or until slushy, more uniform in texture and firm enough to scrape or scoop.
Using metal spoon or ice cream scoop, scrape into chilled serving dishes. Serve immediately. (Freeze any remaining sorbet for up to 7 days.)
Allow to stand at room temperature for about 15 minutes prior to serving.

I feel you on that weather! But at least you get the fall season, even if it's just a hint if it ;)
I know. But you live in Hawaii, so I don't feel sorry for you one bit Sam! HA
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