What is wrong with the picture above? Actually nothing. The problem is me! I have officially changed. Perhaps for the better, but I just don't recognize myself anymore. I find myself eating things I use to turn my nose up at. Even worse, I've almost turned into that quintessential Austonian that I used to dread! A super healthy person that can't enjoy fattening food. EEEK!
Let me tell you people! I had a strenuous work-out with my friend, Becca yesterday. We did a 1 hour, power-lifting class that left me exhausted. Even worse, the teacher was 3 months preggers teaching the class! (She is literally the 3rd teacher in 2 months that has taught a class pregnant. That pretty much means no excuses for me not to take the class.) It was a packed class and the teacher was pumped. She was pretty intense and hardcore, but in a good way. She even told us all to smile at her, even if they're fake. Mine definitely was because I was in some pain. It was fun though. Since I was in sooo much pain, I thought I'd reward myself with food! HELLO old self! Yes, the old Myrna loved to reward herself for jobs well done and major accomplishments. I swear, I thought she was still in there somewhere.
Fast forward to 30 minutes later where I found myself in Central Market. A chef and food lover's paradise. I hadn't eaten in a few hours and was famished. Without thinking I automatically got some pork tamales and mac and cheese. They were in the hot case and ready to eat. I also got salad because I was "forcing" myself to eat greens with lentils. Boy was I wrong. When I got home I took one bite of the mac and cheese and it felt greasy and icky. I took a bite of the tamale and same thing. To my surprise I was loving the salad. Didn't eat the rest of the other stuff. I was happy and sad. Happy that I officially made a life-style change. This was the moment where it all sank in and sad that I really closed a chapter in the history of me book.(sigh) I have come a very long way. I have officially lost 20 lbs and I look back at pictures and can't believed I used to over indulge so often.
I only pray I don't become one of those annoying, know-it-alls who preach about health, fitness and balancing food groups. Am I that person already? Everything in balance I suppose. I do still crave chocolate and doubt that love affair will ever end;however I realize now I don't have to eat the whole bar. More importantly, I officially don't have the desire to any longer.
1 comment:
Don't worry, that's not you. Everything in the Central Market hot case is greasy. Same thing with anything breaded that's in the cold case at the counter too. Pro-tip: Reheat it on a paper towel to soak up some of it. It's mostly butter and olive oil, but still...bleech.
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