What's the difference between an eccentric persona and a crazy one? Moreover, who's right is it to make that decision? Genius or mad man? Gordon Ramsay is a chef's chef, or at least this chef's chef. He's unfiltered, passionate, driven, competitive and in my humble opinion, extraordinarily successful. He strives to be the best at what he loves and literally doesn't cater to anyone. He doesn't care what you think. He stands by his food, decisions and isn't afraid to say the "f word." His bold, brazen and crass attitude are a part of who he is, but doesn't define him as a chef. Words can't define any person.
It's funny how if a woman was to behave in the same exact way, she's be considered a fruit loop or not taken seriously. Even if she was at the top of her game and her food was on point, it would damage her. It's sad that sexism is alive and well, especially in the food industry which is still male dominated. Although it's shifting, it seems that women have to be more PC in order to make the transition from small time chef to big time chef.
I'm sure before he had all his restaurants, tv shows and books he wore his attitude like a bold tattoo. While it doesn't define him or depreciate the quality of what he does or who he is, it definitely separates him from an ocean of generic chefs. Some people may not get him, like him or appreciate the journey it took for him to get where he is on his own terms, but I definitely do.
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