Behold the mighty, mighty and elusive "purple." This picture was taken in Austin, where I failed AGAIN/ What did I fail at you might ask? Finishing an entire purple. What's a purple? Geez. Why so many questions? A purple is actually a purple margarita, only it isn't. In fact, it tastes nothing like a margarita. At least none I've ever tried. First of all, it's thick. Thick like a seriously thick milkshake. It's ice cold and probably stronger than the fuel in your car. It's deceptively tasty with a major kick. I've had some drinks in my life, but this is a DRINK. It should have a warning label. It's well-known in Austin. Almost notorious. Even if the locals haven't had it(a rarity), they know darn well where to get a purple and usually make a face when you ask them about it. You know. The face you make when the dentist is about to give you 3 crowns . I've heard stories and I believe them all.
When I took Sarah here, she couldn't believe they were only legally allowed to sell you 2 in one night. Believe it sister! She actually finished one, but had lots of chips and salsa inbetween attempts. I couldn't hang, as usual. The place is Baby A's. Your mission should you choose to accept it is ONE PURPLE and remembering the conversation you had that night. I've heard it's been done, but never met anyone who has been successful. Maybe that someone is you?
Oh purples...oh purples...***note how my glass is always full!!! AH!
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