I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't stop making all these Christmas goodies. Yes, I get tired. Yes, it is tedious making homemade chocolate candies, gingerbread people, fudge, red velvet cake, fruit cheesecake and many other things. However, Christmas only happens once a year. Right? Even though it's somewhat "expected" from me, I'm still getting a real joy and satisfaction from doing it.

The element of surprise is still exciting to me! No one let's me surprise them anymore. They want the low down on what I'll be making for them. I prefer to make what comes into my heart and mind that day. You know, let my creative juices flow. The worst is when people put in "their order" with you. That's usually acquaintances more than close friends or family. I get tired too!

I suppose it's like being a hair dresser, when everyone and their grandma wants you to cut their hair when you see them! Never mind that you do it for a living! I suppose the same can be said for chefs. When it comes to holidays or parties, it's an automatic assumption that you'll bring something fabulous in tow. Now don't get me wrong, I was raised properly. I would never come to a party empty handed. And, of course, being a chef, I love to cook. It's just usually people expect extravagant creations that take copious amounts of time. Unfortunately, I usually don't have much extra time during the holidays.

Still, I'm excited to make whatever my little body can crank out before December 25th!
Happy Baking!
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