My puglet, Junior(AKA: Pugs Deville, Puglet, Pugalug & Sir Pugsworth...Foti swears he's been knighted) has been sick as a dog! It's not from his usual misadventures of digging through the trash that wasn't taken out, nor from the secret treat from me or a friend. It's from his actual food! UGH!!!
I've been paying $42 for this medium size bag of prescription dog food that our vet swears is the best and only food we should feed Junior. Because of his weight, age and breed, this is supposedly the only food he should be eating. After buying this for almost 2 years, Foti and I thought we would tighten our boot straps a little. What's the harm in being a little more economical? After all, we are in a recession right? For $40 we could get this less expensive(still prescription) diet food and get 5 lbs more food than the other over priced junk.(So we thought.)
Convinced the vet was totally exaggerating, we ended our dog-fearing orders and asked the tech to change the prescription to the more economical stuff. We were so proud of ourselves! We beat the system! We wouldn't be over paying for some fancy smancy stuff that was just as good as the other brand. Plus, Austin is known for being a dog loving city, so while our vet meant well, I'm sure Junior would be fine on the other stuff. Boy, were we ever wrong.
Fast forward to today. There's disgusting vomit ALL over my place. I literally mean, all over. It's in my bedroom, bathroom, living room, couches, entrance and hallways. I think the food multiplied in his stomach or he had 3 other dogs come vomit with him in the middle of the night. I'm taking him to the vet and I bet I know what she's going to prescribe. Yup. Back to the $42 dog food that only lasts a few weeks. That will teach me!
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about Junior! That situation is one I'm dreading and Lulu having the runs too. I'm sure it will happen down the line, but I really hope it doesn't, haha.
My sister has a lab that has to get prescription food too, for her allergies. And my sister doesn't like the price on it either ;)
Thanks Sam. I've been cleaning for over 2 hrs! Ahhh. I totally had to throw away a silk comforter that's ruined for good. Most of all, I'm sad about Junior. I just got back from the vet and hopefully he'll be well soon =(
I pray Lulu NEVER gets this sick.(BTW: she's ADORABLE!) Dogs are truly like little people.
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