I suppose stress effects different people in different ways. I became a size 0-2 at my wedding 4 years ago from stress alone. Everyone kept asking what I was eating, how much I was working out(which was little, but still, more than now) and if I was on a special diet. I was on the stress diet. I don't eat more when I'm stressed, I eat way less. I eat the most when I'm relaxed. Is that weird? I can honestly say that I haven't been this stressed in year. Geez. It's a good stress because I think major shifts are happening for Foti and I. Most shifts seem to be positive, other than my Mom being sick. But they're still growing pains nonetheless. Even good stress is stress in my book. What's causing all this stress? My Mom's ongoing battle with cancer, booking over 5 events in less than a week(amazing in this economy),looking for a house, reviewing Foti's potential new contract, having our lease end in exactly 3 weeks with no definite plans. It's stressful typing it all! I am convinced that come the end of March or early April there will be clarity in our lives. Thank goodness! We're just working out all of life's little details right now.
Back to my eating! Last night, I treated myself to a beautiful lobster tail, baked potato and gorgeous salad I made. I only had a few bites of the lobster tail, and a couple bites of salad. Afterwards, I felt completely full. My tummy didn't even growl! Normally, I could knock out a lobster tail and still have room for some ice cream or something sweet. NADA. Not for me! I'm elated that all this stress will have some positive effects on my waistline. I am drinking a ton more water too. Which is healthy.
In fact Foti took me to Brick Oven today for lunch. It's a cool little Italian restaurant down the street we go to sometimes. The best thing on the menu was water. Kidding! I did order a salad and slice of pizza. I ate half the salad and had 2 bites of pizza.I was done and Foti was floored. Is this how Nicole Richie eats on a regular basis? I wonder. I'm enjoying this while I can. In 3 weeks if everything goes the way I'm hoping and praying, I'll be back to eating my old eating habits before long. Soon I'll be dragging myself to the treadmill! Good things await, I can just feel it!
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