I've never been a big super bowl fan, nor sports fan, for that matter. All my closest friends know that synchronized swimming is the only "sport" I care to watch, and that only comes around every 4 years! And quite honestly, it's not like I'm counting down the days till that comes around either. I just don't get into sports like most red blooded Americans. To me it's simply overpaid, over built people competing to make goals, home runs or score points. Big whoop. I can think of a million other things I'd rather be doing than watching sports. (Cutting my dogs nails or cleaning my fridge sounds much more gripping to me.) Still, I usually partake in huge sports festivities, such as, Super Bowl. Allow me to clarify "partake." By that, I mean, eat with friends as they watch sports. Plus, I usually form side conversations with other bored sports "enthusiasts" so I'm not bored alone.
The worst EVER is girls who try to love sports more than their husbands or boyfriends. I think it's a trend that I'm totally not supporting. If a girl is really into sports, then by all means, wear the damn jersey and guzzle your beer. Ew. However, you don't see men talk about spring trends or fashion week just to make us, women happy. Women just tend to try to damn hard. Not me! I'm proud that my husband has no idea who is playing in the Super Bowl and neither do I! Seriously. We both agree that Super Bowl is another excuse for Americans to pig out, drink and act a fool! Do us Americans really need an excuse to do this? I know plenty of people who do this every Friday night after work. Come on! I just like the food and commercials.
This year, I'm going to attempt the impossible. A healthy Super Bowl! Who says it can't be done? Buffalo Tofu "Wings" with low fat cottage cheese "dressing," and celery sticks. If they're good, I'll bring them over to Lara and Steve's. If not, plan B will include making or ordering pizza. I think Steve will watch the game, while Lara & I chat. Nothing I wouldn't do on a regular Sunday!
WIth that said, go teams !? (Whoever you are?)
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