Yesterday I just got my order in from Amazon! One of the books I got was Gordon Ramsey's Passion for Flavour. I can't wait to crack it open and start to reading. I've heard many wonderful things about it and he truly inspires me as a chef. The man successfully runs 19 restaurants around the world and maintains a family. He has a remarkably colorful story too. He overcame many obstacles to make his dream a reality and didn't let anyone or thing steer him from his path. I heard little bits and pieces from an interview he did on a London radio show a couple years ago(online... nerdy-I know) and it was riveting. In fact, I also have his autobiography and I plan to read it as well. Lately, I've just been craving the stories of chefs I admire. I find them inspirational and uplifting. Just to read about their individual journeys making it to the top of their game is useful information. I'm obviously on my own path, but if I can benefit from any lessons that another chef endured, then I will. It's not like I'm a 21 year old know-it-all who needs to learn everything the hard way. It's exciting in theory, but exhausting in reality. Actually, I take it back. At this point in my life, it's exhausting both ways.
Anyway, I'm going to get back to packing! If I remember, I'll try to post a review of his book(s) when I get a chance to read them. I can't wait!
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