Instead of enjoying SXSW like the rest of this city and beyond, I'm contemplating snack will get me through 5 more hours of packing. Very upsetting considering there are some fantastical musicians in town. I suppose there's always next year, but it's beautiful outside TODAY and I'm inside. Life can be so cruel sometimes.
Anyway, I've been researching snacks and easy to eat foods because my kitchen is ALL packed up. Not a knife, spoon, fork, plate or bowl in sight. Because of this, we're forced to a life of eating cereals, cookies, fruits and crackers until we move. Yesterday was an exception though. We finally used that Red Lobster gift card my mom sent me a couple months ago. She used to take me there for special occasions growing up, so even though it's not a place I would normally go, it has a bit of sentimental relevance. Plus, with the gift card, exhaustion and nothing in any cabinet, it becomes even more appealing.
Now back to these darn snacks! The " Late Night: Tacos at Midnight" flavored Doritos scare me. Who came up with this name? I'm scared to even try these. What's wrong with the original flavor? All these companies feel the need to market tried and true products with crazy gimmicks and flavors. Case in point, the picture above. The guacamole flavor is disgusting and there are many other questionable flavors they've tried to inject in our fast food system. Look at Cheetos. They've done one other flavor that I can think of and that's Flamming Hot Cheetos. You don't see cilantro, lime Cheetos or BBQ Cheetos. Why should they?

Now Cheerios on the other hand can do no wrong in my book. I love the few flavors they've come out with over the years. Everything from Honey Nut, Multi-Grain, Strawberry Yogurt and the elusive Banana-nut Cheerios. I've tried all of them but the last. I can't seem to find it anywhere, although I haven't been exactly looking that hard. I just know it will be deliciously heart healthy. I'm on a mission to find this cereal in the distant, near future. On the other hand, Late Night: Tacos at Midnight Doritos should be recalled. Contact your congress person today!
1 comment:
I got some at Target on 2222 at Four Points the other day (Banana Nut Cheerios) While likely being better for me than the yogurt varieties, they lack any discernable banana or nut taste IMHO.... I am currently mixing them in with the others just to finish off the box.
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